Lá 0. The Fool – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá 0. The Fool – Harry Potter Tarot

0. The Fool  Correspondences  Air Keywords       Curiosity, new beginnings, open-mindedness, innocence, excitement, joy of life, exploration, fearlessness, lack of caution,…
Lá III. The Empress – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá III. The Empress – Harry Potter Tarot

III. The Empress Correspondences   Venus Keywords  The principle of motherhood, the source of life, birth, growth and natural cycles, creative…
Lá Six of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá Six of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot

Six of Disks Correspondences Moon in Taurus Keywords Overcoming of crisis, material success, harmony and fullness, achievement, optimism Meaning The…
Lá Seven of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá Seven of Disks – Harry Potter Tarot

Seven of Disks  Correspondences Saturn in Taurus Keywords Emptiness, resignation, confrontation with deep-seated fears, loss, plagues, misfortune, misery, the universe…
Lá XII. The Hanged Man – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá XII. The Hanged Man – Harry Potter Tarot

XII. The Hanged Man Correspondences                Water Keywords                              The dying god, the sin-eater, the sacrifice, acceptance of fate, release, being caught…
Lá Three of Swords – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá Three of Swords – Harry Potter Tarot

Three of Swords Correspondences Saturn in Libra Keywords Sorrow, tears, hurt, helplessness, weakness, pain, disappointment, self-torture Meaning As the four…
Lá II. The High Priestess – Harry Potter Tarot

Lá II. The High Priestess – Harry Potter Tarot

II. The High Priestess Correspondences   The Moon Keywords  Inner wisdom, knowledge of the mysteries of life and death, patience, seclusion,…